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How to Become a Successful Android App Developer?

Are you someone who is passionate about mobile apps and wants to specialize in Android app development? The Google Play Store on Android devices witnesses more than 3000 releases on a daily basis! This huge number cannot be ignored. Mastering android app development will surely secure your future career and these numbers are only expected to grow as we move towards a tech savvy world. But this must pop the question in your head- what are the skills required to become a successful android app developer? Well, let’s answer that question.

Expertise In Certain Programming Languages

The original Android OS was written in Java which makes it one of the most important languages you should definitely learn. In case you are looking for an alternative to Java, it is Kotlin. Having advanced knowledge of at least one of these programming languages is a must for android app development. Some jobs also require the knowledge of backend programming languages so you may choose from Python, Node.js, .NET, etc.

Android Studio

The concept and understanding of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) really helps you in working more efficiently. Android Studio is recommended because of its built-in debugger and testing tools which will help you in writing bug-free code. There are other good options too besides Android Studio viz. Visual Studio-Xamarin, IntelliJ IDEA and DeuterIDE.

Knowledge Of Git

The knowledge of Git is something you might not need straight away but will surely be helpful eventually in your journey as an android app developer. This is because you will most likely need some form of version control system sooner or later and hence knowing the basic framework of Git is a good skill to bear in mind.

Understanding Basic XML and SQL

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is an essential technology for android developers since it is helpful in accessing web data as well as transferring data to the web and vice-versa.

And while we’re on the topic of data, another important skill is SQL since every android app needs to store data in some form or the other be it the app data or user data. Therefore, integrating your app with a database management system such as SQL is a great idea.

Concept Of Android SDK

Android developers must be good at using the Android Software Development Kit (SDK), specially in key areas such as-

  • Views, View Groups and Layouts
  • User Input
  • Collecting and storing data
  • Responsive design for different screen sizes

Exploring Android documentation and third-party resources will help you get a fair idea about all the necessary components of Android SDK.

Learn UI/UX Design

Being an android app developer does not just start and end at coding. Consumers will use your app only if it provides them with a good feel and a smooth, attractive design. The importance of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) has really grown off late so make sure you take this into account while building your app.

So these were some of the tips on how to become a successful android app developer. If you want to succeed in this field and take your career to greater heights then enroll in an android app development course which will teach you all the above mentioned skills and more.

Android vs iOS: Which One You Should Learn for Your Future Career?

Android vs iOS: Which One You Should Learn for Your Future Career?

Android vs iOS: Which One You Should Learn for Your Future Career?

In the software industry, mobile development is at present one of the fastest-growing domains. It is full of opportunities, and one can also earn money as a freelance app developer. There are millions of people in India who work as mobile app developers and earn decent money. So, are you also an aspiring mobile app developer? Are you confused about which one you should learn for your future career? If yes, here are the few factors that you must keep in mind to make an informed decision.

Market share

Android, iOS, and Windows are the operating systems that rule the market. As per Statista, Android enjoys a share of over 95% followed by Apple’s iOS, which has just a 3.2 % market share in India. So, no doubt enrolling yourself in an android app development course makes more sense if you are targeting only the Indian audience. Here, you have to keep in mind that if you want to target people in the United States, it is best to learn iOS app development as in the U.S as iPhones are much more common than Android devices.

Time to learn

If you are a newbie with no prior experience in mobile app development, it will take some time to get familiar with new technologies. However, both have a different set of complexities, and hence, the learning time may differ. For iOS app development, you need to learn swift as it is the most popular programming language after Objective C for developing ios apps. Now, the learning curve for Swift is not steep, which means you can learn it quickly. If Android app development is considered, several programming languages are used in the industry, such as Java, C#, Python, Kotlin, and C++. So, you can learn any of these languages as per your learning capability.

Hardware requirements

For developing ios apps, you must have a Mac computer that runs the latest version of Xcode. Now, Xcode is Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE). It is a pre-requisite for developing any software for ios devices. On the other hand, you need to have a computer running on any operating system for developing android apps. So, mobile app development for android devices is the best course of action.

Development tools

The availability of development tools has a profound impact on mobile app development. While the Android platform offers Android Studio, its official IDE for mobile app development, the ios offers the Xcode IDE as told before. Although Android Studio has attractive features that help in app development, it is not considered as good as the Xcode. So, if you consider the availability of development tools, ios app development seems a better option.


If you are getting into the app development business to make monetize them and earn decent revenue, you have to be quite careful about choosing the right platform. It has been found that ios users are more likely to make a payment for an app in comparison to Android app users. So, if you can sacrifice the revenue, go for android app development or else choose the one that guarantees more money.


The platform that has more clear document is usually the one in which app development become easier for beginners. While many ardent admirers of the Android platform may disagree but the ios community and documentation are more helpful. As a developer, you may quickly found ways to solve a problem if you come across any during developing your app.


Publishing an android app on Google Play is fairly an easy affair. You have to just pay a one-time fee of $20, and then Google will scoop up a whopping 35% of the revenue (if any). You will have the right to distribute it wherever you want, but things are not that simple if you are want to publish your ios app development. First, you have to publish it only through the Apple App Store. Next, you have to pay a fee of $99 a year, and here like Google, Apple will scoop up 30% of the revenue ( if any). If these are not enough, you will be not eligible to distribute it freely as per your wish as Apple has a more restrictive policy regarding app distribution.

So, think about all the factors and make a decision. You may find ios app development more enjoyable in the beginning. However, your android smartphone in your pocket may encourage you to first go for an android app development course that you can test easily. However, there is no point in comparing the two as your preference matters the most. If you already have a Mac, you must go for an ios app development course without having any second thoughts. There is no shortage of mobile app development training institutes in Kolkata that are offering online classes in the wake of COVID-19.

Top Essential Skills To Become A Successful Android App Developer


Mobile apps have changed our way of life in so many ways. You can get food and parcels delivered to your doorstep, have cabs pick you up from your location and video call with someone across the globe. All of this is possible using a variety of mobile apps. In the era of digitisation and Covid-19 we are living in, mobile app development has been on the rise.

The two main operating systems on which smartphones these days run are Android and iOS. The latter is only exclusive to phones made by Apple while every other smartphone brand in the market uses Android. So clearly Android dominates the market share and its Play Store is home to a whopping 2.87 million apps as against only 1.96 million apps in Apple’s iOS App Store.

This is why a career in Android app development seems so lucrative and is very much in demand in the global economy. Are you also wondering about the technical skills required to become a successful Android app developer? Let us take a look.

Expertise In Programming Languages- Java & Kotlin

The first and foremost thing a developer should learn in any field is the required programming language or languages. In the case of Android app development, the two most preferred programming languages are Java and Kotlin. You can use either one to create an app or even both simultaneously. It is important to always remain up to date regarding the latest versions and programming structures of these languages along with a sound understanding of the syntax. It will help you to save time and make minimal mistakes when coding.

Proficiency In XML

Just like the markup language HTML is used in case of creating website layouts, XML (Extensible Markup Language) is used for the same purpose when building Android apps. If you are already familiar with HTML then it is a bonus for you because XML is quite similar to it. XML allows information to be passed between various devices in a consistent manner. Since it allows seamless flow of data to web services and vice versa in Android apps, a basic knowledge of XML is a must-have skill.

Understanding Android SDK

Have you ever noticed that when you are scrolling through a news app, at the end of every article, there is automatically the option to share it via WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram? This integration is possible through a tool known as Android Software Development Kit (SDK). It provides a set of prewritten codes that allows apps to use features such as camera, gyroscope, compass, sharing and much more. The most important component of Android SDK is a library called Gradle. Instead of writing fresh code every time, you can simply download the SDK.

Database Management

As an Android app developer, you will have to deal with data at some point in time whether it is the data of the app itself or user data. When dealing with large amounts of data, it is not possible to keep it stored on your smartphone at all times. Instead, your app has to interact with a cloud service database provider such as Firebase or Parse. It also helps to sync data between cloud and the local storage on the smartphone. Another popular option includes storing the data locally using Android’s built-in support for SQL to interact with a SQLite database. It is a good idea to learn SQL database management system to increase your chances of getting hired.

Familiarity With Android Studio

Android developer’s choice of IDE (Integrated Development Studio) is known as Android Studio. Familiarity with Android Studio will help you work more efficiently as a developer since you can use its built in debugger and testing tools to write code that is free of any bugs. It is built on the well known JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDE and is specially designed to suit the needs of Android app developers. It has built in support for most of the common Android SDKs. It is a must have tool for both beginners and experts that ensures high performance of Android apps on all kinds of mobile devices.

Importance Of Android UI/UX

A basic understanding of UI/UX is very important for an Android app developer in 2020. Users these days demand a good interface no matter how good the functionalities of the app are. If it is not up to the modern standards of UI guidelines, the app would most likely not do well. For example, developers should make sure that the app will present a different layout optimised according to the screen size of a smartphone and a tablet. In order to keep this trend up, Google has also introduced Material Design for Android, that helps to improve the overall UI/UX by implementing features such as transitions, graphics.

API (Application Programming Interface)

You might want your Android app to be able to interact with a host of other services such as a third party calendar, music player, photo editor and much more. It is not a very uncommon thing for Android apps to do this. In order to safely and securely allow your app to use APIs, you need to be familiar with it. They make your app much more interactive and widens audience reach too. So, it is a good idea to explore different APIs and find the best ones for your app.

Apart from these technical skills, you can also dabble in Git version control systems, effectively test apps before launching them and ensure that they do not compromise on security. There are also some non-technical skills such as being adaptable to different things, having good research and communication skills that will help you in your journey to become a successful Android app developer. It is time to get enrolled in an Android app development course from a reputed training center now!

Android Development Training

Android Development Training – Doorway to a Successful Career

Android Development Training

Smartphone-the mobile device launched more than two decades ago is no more humble. In a globalized world, there are millions of Smartphone admirers in every nook and corner of the Earth. In India too, the obsession for the small mobile device is increasing at a fast pace. People fiddling with their Smartphones at the workplace, during traveling, and even during mealtime is a common sight. The usage is not limited to these as exploring social media and juggling with multiple mobile apps is also a norm.

According to reliable statistics, an approximately 36 percent of Indians will soon have a Smartphone by 2018 and Android rule the roost when it comes to the Indian mobile industry because mobile devices powered by the Android operating system are relatively cheaper than those by IOS. No wonder, there is a soaring demand for skilled android developers who can develop engaging apps to cater to the evolving expectations of mobile users.

Indians spending a significant time on apps

Leading app market data insight company-AppAnnie has revealed that app store downloads in India will likely reach 20.1 billion in the next few years (2020). It further stated that amount of time spent by each user on mobile apps in India is about 4 hours on a daily basis. Recently, Google in its annual event in India announced that an approximate one billion apps are downloaded each month by Indians from its play store.
Certainly a feat!

Thanks to the all-pervasive social networking apps like the Whatsapp messenger and Facebook apps, Indians are now hooked to their Smartphones like never before. Many android apps like Truecaller, Hotstar, JioTV, and Myntra Online have already become a rage among Android users and thus have opened the door for innovative and engaging apps that can offer a remarkable mobile user experience.

Businesses are opting for a mobile-first strategy

Plenty of businesses have hired skilled android developers to have their apps, and among these retail stores rule the roost. An increasing penetration of mobile phones and intensified competition from abroad is leaving them with no choice other than investing in android apps. As you may have noticed, the mobile technology has already disrupted the business models across the world. India too is now following the footsteps of other nations with most businesses now opting for mobile apps instead of going the traditional website route to woo their target customers. It seems feasible for a small business to first have a mobile app, and then to invest in a website development after having a comfortable customer base.

As an open-source operating system, Android let the businesses as well as individual mobile developers to develop intuitive, powerful and navigable apps at a less cost and a higher return on their investment. In such a scenario, becoming a professional android developer is the best career choice for those who want to earn money straight after stepping from their college campus.

If you are bewildered that from where you should do an Android development training in Kolkata; learn from the best at Karmick Institute. Our training course is not only limited to graduates but is extended to those also who have completed B.E/ B.Tech/ BCA/ MCA. Our experienced android app developers impart learning with sincerity to enable you to become an android developer within a few months at a modest course fee of 18000 INR.

Who knows? You may soon strike gold with an innovative app that becomes massively popular or may get hired by a reputed app development company? If these do not happen, still with ample knowledge in android app development and an experience of working on LIVE projects with us, you can earn a decent income. So, no more delay! Reach us at  +91 33 2426 4362 / +91 9836423755.



Mobile Application Development Training: Your doorway to the IT-Industry


While issues like recession, cost-cutting, and deflation continue to hit businesses there is one area that continues to bloom – Mobile App Development. India has one of the highest users of Smartphone. By 2020, the mobile application development industry is expected to grow by 30%. However, at present only 60% of the demand has been fulfilled. This is where aspirants can take the opportunity and penetrate into the IT-Industry for a rewarding future.

What is Mobile Application Development Training?

Mobile Application Development Training is a technical course designed to train candidates in the realm of app development for Android, iOS, and Windows platform. The program runs through a series of modules that allow candidates to understand the scope of the course in detail. A standard course will take 3 months to complete.

Am I eligible?

Any candidate can undergo mobile application development training provided he/she has ANY ONE of the following degrees:

  • Graduation
  • B.E
  • Tech
  • BCA
  • MCA

How to get a JOB after course completion?

Android App Development Training Kolkata Karmick InstituteKarmick Institute offers 100% Placement Assistance to aspirants. As per our last 12 months record, there have been 100% Placement for Mobile App Development, PHP Development, Software Testing and Digital Marketing. Moreover, the industry of mobile application development has been booming since 2007. This makes it obvious that irrespective of what channels a business enterprise implements, mobile apps will be an integral part of the same.


There has been a tremendous increase in the number of institutes who offer mobile application development training. However, not all possess the same merit and infrastructure. Some offer eye-catching discounts whereas some make fake promises. While choosing an ideal institute for your training always look into the past of the training institute and question them on the following:

  • Who will offer the training?
  • Can you show me the training infrastructure?
  • Will there be live projects?
  • Can you offer 100% Placement Assistance?
  • Will I become a certified professional?

Asking these questions will definitely make your selection process easier and your doorway to the IT-Industry will stand ‘Open’.