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Monthly Archives: December 2021

5 Must-Have Skills Employers Look For in A Junior PHP Developer

Despite the rising demand for developers skilled in Python and JavaScript development, demand for PHP developers is going steady in 2021. For building WordPress websites or complex web platforms, the server-side scripting language is still the favorite. So, if you are someone thinking about marking your entry into the IT industry as a junior PHP […]

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How Learning MERN Stack Can Boost Your Career

Web development has become an extremely lucrative and popular career prospect all across the world. The pandemic has really boosted online business and digitisation making web development skills much in demand. One such skill is MERN stack. In this blog, let us know more about MERN stack in detail, why is it becoming so increasingly […]

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All You Need to Know About A Career In Web Development

A lucrative and hot career prospect in 2021, web development has experienced massive growth amid the Covid-19 pandemic. More and more businesses are shifting to digitisation and there is a surge in the demand for web developers. For a beginner or fresher, writing endless lines of code may seem intimidating and complicated; but that’s why […]

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