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Mistakes to avoid as an android app developer

Common Mistakes To Avoid As An Android App Developer

Mistakes to avoid as an android app developer

If you are a fresher, recently passed out and in high spirits about becoming an Android app developer then the first thing you need to do is calm down. Before you take the plunge in the programming world you have to study your target audience, understand their needs and psychology.

Here it is about Android users. They are larger in number than any other operating system users. So, you have to analyze the features they seek in an app. Meanwhile, an insight into your competitors’ apps will also be very beneficial. All this will help to create a strategy that will lay the foundation for your android app.

Developing an app that can attract user attention and loyalty is very difficult in this competitive market. Therefore, an app developer can be faced with a lot of problems due to which some common mistakes can be made in the process of development.

Let us see what are the mistakes an Android app developer must avoid.

Not doing thorough research

A developer might be confident about Android app development but might discover to his dismay that there is already a similar app in the market. Therefore, the more you research, the better for your app. Study the target market, apps pricing, common features, new trends and user expectations. This will help you develop an app with distinct and unique features.

Rewriting existing codes

This mistake happens when the developer is not aware of the existing codes for features like social logins, network calls, image loading, database access, JSON parsing and others. These features already have written codes, thus re-writing them is just a waste of time. So, research about the existing codes and use the ones already available to avoid wasting time.

Not considering for low bandwidth users

Since mobile devices don’t work as fast as LAN connections, developers must consider low bandwidth users. But many of them disregard it. Using app specific image sizes will help you avoid this mistake. Using fewer images on one page and in the overall app will be better for the performance of your app.

Improper use of Bitmaps

Bitmaps is a technique used to reduce the memory usage and lags. In the process of making the app appealing, developers use a lot of images ignoring the memory aspect. Therefore, inability to understand the concept of Bitmaps results in inefficient and slow running apps.

Inability to understand the importance of fragments

Fragments are a significant aspect of Android platform as they help in passing information between screens, in organizing user interface and advanced UI design. They are separate building blocks operating within an activity and help in optimizing the content to suit the various screen parameters. Fragments are flexible in nature and can be used repeatedly and can be combined with other operations. Hence, it is important that the developers use them consistently in the creation of Android apps.

Blocking the main thread

This is yet another mistake that causes the user interface to become sluggish. But app users expect and need a responsive interface. To avoid apps that stop responding, developers should use worker and background threads for network calls, SD reading/writing, loading bitmaps, querying a database and processing images.

Not updating the app after its launch

The need of the hour is variety and innovation. If you leave the app the way it was developed, the users will soon lose interest. A developer must update the app periodically with additional features, content and offers to keep the users hooked to the app and to fix bugs.

No one becomes a successful app developer overnight. It happens over a period of time and perseverance. The possible mistakes discussed above are not only to warn you against committing them but also to help you learn from them. But to avoid making the common mistakes and get the right knowledge, it is necessary to pursue an Android app development course.

Believe in your skills and ideas and keep exploring your passion so that you can create a revolutionary Android app one day.

Android Development Training

Android Development Training – Doorway to a Successful Career

Android Development Training

Smartphone-the mobile device launched more than two decades ago is no more humble. In a globalized world, there are millions of Smartphone admirers in every nook and corner of the Earth. In India too, the obsession for the small mobile device is increasing at a fast pace. People fiddling with their Smartphones at the workplace, during traveling, and even during mealtime is a common sight. The usage is not limited to these as exploring social media and juggling with multiple mobile apps is also a norm.

According to reliable statistics, an approximately 36 percent of Indians will soon have a Smartphone by 2018 and Android rule the roost when it comes to the Indian mobile industry because mobile devices powered by the Android operating system are relatively cheaper than those by IOS. No wonder, there is a soaring demand for skilled android developers who can develop engaging apps to cater to the evolving expectations of mobile users.

Indians spending a significant time on apps

Leading app market data insight company-AppAnnie has revealed that app store downloads in India will likely reach 20.1 billion in the next few years (2020). It further stated that amount of time spent by each user on mobile apps in India is about 4 hours on a daily basis. Recently, Google in its annual event in India announced that an approximate one billion apps are downloaded each month by Indians from its play store.
Certainly a feat!

Thanks to the all-pervasive social networking apps like the Whatsapp messenger and Facebook apps, Indians are now hooked to their Smartphones like never before. Many android apps like Truecaller, Hotstar, JioTV, and Myntra Online have already become a rage among Android users and thus have opened the door for innovative and engaging apps that can offer a remarkable mobile user experience.

Businesses are opting for a mobile-first strategy

Plenty of businesses have hired skilled android developers to have their apps, and among these retail stores rule the roost. An increasing penetration of mobile phones and intensified competition from abroad is leaving them with no choice other than investing in android apps. As you may have noticed, the mobile technology has already disrupted the business models across the world. India too is now following the footsteps of other nations with most businesses now opting for mobile apps instead of going the traditional website route to woo their target customers. It seems feasible for a small business to first have a mobile app, and then to invest in a website development after having a comfortable customer base.

As an open-source operating system, Android let the businesses as well as individual mobile developers to develop intuitive, powerful and navigable apps at a less cost and a higher return on their investment. In such a scenario, becoming a professional android developer is the best career choice for those who want to earn money straight after stepping from their college campus.

If you are bewildered that from where you should do an Android development training in Kolkata; learn from the best at Karmick Institute. Our training course is not only limited to graduates but is extended to those also who have completed B.E/ B.Tech/ BCA/ MCA. Our experienced android app developers impart learning with sincerity to enable you to become an android developer within a few months at a modest course fee of 18000 INR.

Who knows? You may soon strike gold with an innovative app that becomes massively popular or may get hired by a reputed app development company? If these do not happen, still with ample knowledge in android app development and an experience of working on LIVE projects with us, you can earn a decent income. So, no more delay! Reach us at  +91 33 2426 4362 / +91 9836423755.



The Growth of Mobile Application Development Industry in 2017

Mobile Application Development Training Kolkata Karmick Institute

The mobile app market is expanding at a rapid pace, and the trend will likely continue in the coming years. 2017 being the 10th anniversary of Apple’s iPhone that ultimately gives a boom to the mobile app development industry, it is worth to have a glimpse of the industry growth.

As per the statistics, a majority of internet users have a smartphone, and these people spend a significant time on mobile apps. Clearly, enterprises are earning a high revenue by their mobile app development services.

According to e-marketer, adults are spending more time on their mobile devices than in comparison to desktop or other digital devices. Also, mobile devices are enjoying a high penetration almost everywhere. Be it ordering food from a restaurant, hiring a taxi service or paying bills, for the new generation life is unimaginable without mobile devices.

With mobile apps now becoming a proven strategy for implementing an effective digital marketing strategy by enterprises across all sectors, the future of the same seems bright in 2017 and even beyond the same.

Augmented reality-The biggest driver

You must have heard about the mobile game ‘Pokemon Go’ that turn mobile users crazy all over the world. It was a brilliant example of how people are gradually getting accustomed to the concept of augmented reality and are enjoying the same.

Moreover, big tech giants like Google, Samsung, and Facebook are leaving no stone unturned to tap AR’s potential by releasing new headsets. The real challenge for mobile app developers in 2017 will be therefore to integrate this AR technology seamlessly into their apps so that more people can have a never before mobile experience.

Dominance of Internet-of-Things 

The IoT apps play a critical role in our day to day life. The profits and revenues of IoT have been on the rise, and the trend is expected to continue in 2017. Most enterprises in the automobile, smart homes, education, security, and health industries are experimenting with IoT. They have experienced positive results.

With mobile devices empowered with various interesting features and sensors, apps developed with a focus on connecting more and more devices to the IoT ecosystem can not be ruled out. It is highly likely that several companies will make a shift in their marketing methods after the arrival of mobile apps that can leverage IoT.

In such an environment, it is wise to go for a mobile app development course from a reputed training institute where it is possible to work on live projects. In India, you can easily find such an institute where one can pursue mobile app development training from an experienced faculty. Take a step and get for yourself a rewarding career in the booming mobile app development industry.


How Android App Development Training can get you a job!


No doubt, the speed of mobile device marketing has gone up drastically. Android apps are the latest cutting edge technology for all business owners to expand their businesses. This nurtures the growing demand of Android developers and enhances more employment opportunities. So, if you want to start a booming career, then Android app development is the best choice for you.

What is Android App Development

Android App Development is a process through which new apps are developed for Android OS. Java Programming Language is used to develop these apps. Basically, Android apps are designed with a combination of different components. Applications, Libraries, Linux Kernel are the three components of Android platform.

Applications- The inbuilt applications of Android are camera, gallery, phone, browser, and music.

Libraries- In Android Libraries, there are basic functions like graphic rendering and data storage.

Linux Kernel- Linux Kernel in Android helps in an easy communication of the apps with the phone hardware.

Demand for Android App Developers

In spite of the presence of several OS in the market, the demand for Android is sky rocketing. Naturally, the demand for Android developers is increasing at a rapid speed. People love Android OS because of its incredible easy to use features. An accomplished developer brings out unique features with easy navigation keeping the user in mind. A skilled developer always tries and contribute towards a bug-free app to enhance the success of the business. Monetization can be used on the app, which will help the app owner also make some money out of the app.

Insight of training

In the training process, knowing the technical skill is an additional advantage. For the development part, a developer can use Genymotion emulator and can test on the platform of a real device. A developer with expertise in the above-mentioned tool will always excel as a skilled developer in Android app development.


The candidate will be trained on Java and will gain the clear idea on Java concepts like control structure, lists, variables, and loops. For back-end development, Java is the best programming language and app developers should know the overall of Java for the better result.


A developer should also focus on SQL because it helps in organizing the database within the apps of Android. SQL helps in language queries and even helps to retrieve information from a database.

Job scope after training

In the year 2003, Android comes into existence, which mainly focuses on mobile based OS and it has Linux Kernel. Today, Android is so popular because the users get access to the easy mobile features with just a touch on the Smartphone. The Android application runs separately and that is why multiple Android applications can run at the same time. Hence, the market for Android is flourishing and in the near future, the demand for developers will increase rapidly. The job scope is bright in the near future. And one has to remain informed with practical knowledge and should not stop exploring in this stream.

Interested in pursuing Android App Development Training? Get in touch with us at:+91 9836423755

Android App Development Course Kolkata Karmick Institute 05082016

4 recent trends in Android App Development

Using a Smartphone is no more a fashion, but it has become a necessity. Business owners are using Android platform in Smartphone to meet their business targets. How? Its simple, the business owners are developing the app related to their business which the Smartphone user can easily download and install in their gadget and they can access the app and meet the requirement from a particular business. It drives the business force and the customers need in a positive way. This is where Android app Development Training can be your game changer!

Android App Development Course Kolkata Karmick Institute 05082016

The Android app is based on open source platform so a developer does not have to buy the technology. So, business owners find Android app development very affordable and help to maximize the profit of the business. As the demand of Android app of all types of business are increasing, so the demand of android app developers are also increasing. Do you want to taste the piece of this Hot Cake career? Then, enrol yourself in android application course and learn the basics on how to develop an app from the industry expert.

Follow the recent trends of Android App Development so that after learning the course, you can actually drive your career towards the trend and excel in your career:

  1. Location-specific- Today, business houses are becoming more location specific for their products and services. It will help the customers to come together at one place with same interest. So, business owners are take mobile app location-specific technique very seriously and want to engage more customers for the business.
  2. Advertising- The meaning of advertising is changing nowadays. Business owners are more interested in mobile app advertising than online and traditional advertising. So, a business house looks for a skilled professional who can actually make this trend possible.
  3. Cloud specific service- Using an app helps the business to keep all the information on the cloud. It is a limitless opportunity for the old and new customers. A professional android developer will develop the app in such a way that the customer and business owner i.e. B2C connection remain intact.
  4. Education- Today, the education has not only limited to books and digital classrooms. But, it has gone a one step ahead and various educational institutes are coming up with subject based apps so that students can learn in-depth with visual and audio effect. It is taking a new rage in the education world. Authentic Android app development training from a trusted institute will help you get in touch with these 2016 recent trends in the app development.

Take an initiative to transform your career. Create a positive impact on your career at Karmick Institute, where you meet Android App developers and avail the opportunity.

To know more, write to us at – info@karmickinstitute.com.