Tag Archives: Smartphone app development training


Why do we need a Career Plan?

Planning for a dream career must start at an early age. Students who plan their career at an early stage end up with a stable and secured future. The objective of having a career plan is to prepare oneself for the big stage and be prepared for the involved challenges. At the same, it also makes people determined and objective defined.


  1. Areas of Interest- The most preferred way to choose a career is to move ahead in an area where you have an interest. For an instance, some people love to engage on Social Media, so their ideal career option would be a Social Media Analyst.
  1. Involved Course Fee- check the respective course fee of different institutes and make a comparison in terms of syllabus, placement records and reviews. It will help you handpick the best.
  2. Identify the prospect- Make sure that your career choice continues to serve the industry in future. Take into account factors such as demand of respective professionals in the industry, the scope of the selected career, etc.




  1. Communicate your Vision- Let your parents and mentor know about your career choice. Seek their advice and come to a common platform where both of you are convinced about the journey that you are about to begin.
  2. Continue research- Career development become firm with dedicated time for research. Continue to explore new dimensions in your career choice. This will keep you updated on the latest developments.
  3. Industry growth- The industry that you would be operating in will directly have an impact on you. Therefore, you should be well aware of the potential that your industry possesses.



  1. Stay focused- Mistakes are common and you should stay focused to learn from the mistakes and show your commitments towards the subject. Even if you feel that things are getting tougher, motivate yourself to move ahead and overcome the phase.
  2. Performance Monitor- Monitoring your performance at each level is very important from the perspective of acquiring skill and talent. After all, you need to sell your skills at professional level.
  3. Grab the opportunities- As you move deeper into your career choice, there will be opportunities. Some would be easy and other would be tough. Buy, never let any opportunity go.



  1. Professional Growth- After you become a professional, your career would require growth. This is done by meeting like-minded people, exploring new opportunities and selling your potential.
  2. Achieve Goals- Always focus on having goals with timeline. This will help you to chase your dreams within a determined period. There is no use buying a BMW car at the age of 85 years.
  3. Self Confidence- Never let anything ruin your confidence. If you have failed, take it as a lesson. If you have achieved something, take it as a motivation to achieve more.


So, Let the Journey Begin!


Karmick Institute has been in the industry for more than 7 years and within this timeframe we have managed to explore new opportunities for candidates and groom them as per the industry standards. With a record of 92% placements, we can certainly help you to find the right career at the right time.

For more information dial: +91 9836423755 or write to us at:  info@karmickinstitute.com

Android App Development Course Kolkata Karmick Institute 05082016

4 recent trends in Android App Development

Using a Smartphone is no more a fashion, but it has become a necessity. Business owners are using Android platform in Smartphone to meet their business targets. How? Its simple, the business owners are developing the app related to their business which the Smartphone user can easily download and install in their gadget and they can access the app and meet the requirement from a particular business. It drives the business force and the customers need in a positive way. This is where Android app Development Training can be your game changer!

Android App Development Course Kolkata Karmick Institute 05082016

The Android app is based on open source platform so a developer does not have to buy the technology. So, business owners find Android app development very affordable and help to maximize the profit of the business. As the demand of Android app of all types of business are increasing, so the demand of android app developers are also increasing. Do you want to taste the piece of this Hot Cake career? Then, enrol yourself in android application course and learn the basics on how to develop an app from the industry expert.

Follow the recent trends of Android App Development so that after learning the course, you can actually drive your career towards the trend and excel in your career:

  1. Location-specific- Today, business houses are becoming more location specific for their products and services. It will help the customers to come together at one place with same interest. So, business owners are take mobile app location-specific technique very seriously and want to engage more customers for the business.
  2. Advertising- The meaning of advertising is changing nowadays. Business owners are more interested in mobile app advertising than online and traditional advertising. So, a business house looks for a skilled professional who can actually make this trend possible.
  3. Cloud specific service- Using an app helps the business to keep all the information on the cloud. It is a limitless opportunity for the old and new customers. A professional android developer will develop the app in such a way that the customer and business owner i.e. B2C connection remain intact.
  4. Education- Today, the education has not only limited to books and digital classrooms. But, it has gone a one step ahead and various educational institutes are coming up with subject based apps so that students can learn in-depth with visual and audio effect. It is taking a new rage in the education world. Authentic Android app development training from a trusted institute will help you get in touch with these 2016 recent trends in the app development.

Take an initiative to transform your career. Create a positive impact on your career at Karmick Institute, where you meet Android App developers and avail the opportunity.

To know more, write to us at – info@karmickinstitute.com.