Tag Archives: PHP Training

Why Choose PHP As A Career?

Why Choose PHP As A Career?

Why Choose PHP As A Career?

Most young aspirants remain confused when it comes to jobs and career opportunities in the IT field. They are apprehensive about the languages to explore and which platform or framework will offer the brightest prospects for the future.

Having said that, PHP is one of the fastest growing web development languages right now. It has especially exploded in India where PHP adoption has grown tremendously in the past 4 years. Some of the biggest names on the web have used PHP as a development language.

Below we discuss in some detail why PHP offers some very bright prospects career-wise to young aspirants.

PHP as a web development tool

Right now, the PHP framework is booming as a career option. On a global scale, more than 60% of the websites on offer run on PHP. Some of the biggest names on the internet that are powered by PHP include Yahoo, Myspace, Wikipedia, Digg, and Facebook. For those of us who are looking to adopt web development as their career option, PHP is an excellent choice to learn. Websites across varied domains such as e-commerce, CMS, and CRM are developed using PHP. Almost all business domains use PHP in some form or the other.

Open Source

PHP is an open source application. Not only is it free but a large online community constantly tweaking and chipping away at its rough edges mean that there will never be a dearth of expert know-how on how to solve any problem related to PHP. Being a PHP developer allows a developer access to a plethora of open source software such as MySql, Apache, and Linux. The frameworks that come with PHP are also available for free.


PHP5 introduced Object Oriented Programming. Concepts such as inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism are useful when developing enterprise systems. Applications such as Joomla, Magento, and WordPress are examples of Object Oriented Programming. People with a background in C++ or Java find a lot of ease in using PHP as an Object-Oriented Language.

Easy to learn

The PHP syntax very closely resembles Java, C, and Perl. It can be easily learned through practical examples. The internet abounds in resources of high quality where one can gather a lot of information on PHP and how to work with it.

Framework availability

The PHP language comprises a large number of frameworks. It is because of these frameworks that PHP is hugely popular among developers. Using a framework has many advantages. First, the development is fast because of the reuse of code. Second, there is a significant reduction in errors owing to the use of the proven and tested code. Some of the commonly used PHP frameworks are Zend, Symfony, CakePHP, Akelos,CodeIgniter, Laravel and Yii.

Compiler-based applications

With the help of PHP, we can build Compiler Based Applications. This concept is now deployed by Magento in their e-commerce applications. Applications build in other languages can also be a part of the PHP ecosystem. As an example, many extensions in PHP were built with the help of the language C. PHP encompasses a host of applications such as MySql, HTML, and JS.

Compatible with a whole host of OS

PHP works well with UNIX, LINUX, Windows and Mac and interfaces well with MySql and Apache. In short, it can work across most operating systems. With the help of PHP, we can perform cross-platform development. This makes it a cost-effective programming language to use.

Dynamic and flexible

Websites and web applications that are built using PHP are extremely secure. It can be easily scaled and is an encrypted language. The websites and the applications refresh all by themselves without the need for manual intervention. Compared to its competitors, PHP is extremely flexible and can be customised to be suited to one’s needs. Since PHP is free, the code can be written with the help of any editors. It can also be combined with different libraries for special effects and graphics.


Whether it be frameworks, documentation tools, editors or dependency managers, PHP has a ready set of quality tools for use. There is documentation that can be found online for any aspect of PHP programming. Since PHP offers a huge number of extensions, the result can be completely customised to meet the clients’ needs.

CMS development

Since PHP can be uniquely customised to meet the needs of the customer, it is the preferred framework of development for CMS. Websites that are developed using PHP are faster. PHP can be embedded into HTML. As a result, static websites can be very easily converted to dynamic new ones.

The demand for quality PHP developers has sky rocketed in the past few years and the trend is only expected to grow in the near future. With the whole world being re-written in code, it’s anybody’s guess how fast and how high the demand for PHP developers will soar. Thus, PHP development provides an excellent career opportunity to young aspirants who want to make their mark in this world.

Job opportunities

In order to work in the field of PHP, one needs to usually have a degree in computer science or software engineering. However, if one wishes to work as a freelancer and not with any multinational, these degrees are not mandatory.

Earning potential as a fresher PHP developer is limited. However, with experience and knowledge, PHP developers can develop very high earning potential.

Over and above a lucrative career as a developer, an individual with knowledge of PHP and managerial skills can also become a PHP project manager in a reputed company. Project managers earn high salaries and enjoy a comfortable livelihood.


Why a student should learn PHP


If you look at PHP, then you will understand that it is the most popular language that one can use in the process of web development. Though many languages have their own shortcomings, but PHP has innumerable benefits in the process of web development. Therefore, the demand for PHP developers is growing in numbers. Hence, the aspiring students are showing interest to learn PHP and want to develop a good career in the near future. So, let’s check out the benefits that why should students will learn the course on PHP.

  • One can learn easily– Other web languages need proper knowledge and regular study, while PHP does not need too much time to invest in the research of manual. The syntax is very logical and describes the command function perfectly like what needs to be done, how one can optimize and create the application, and get it placed rightly.
  • Syntax familiarity– Experience in C and Perl helps you understand the PHP in a perfect way because the syntax is based on the particular language and makes it really good for the students to understand.
PHP Course Kolkata Karmick Institute

Image Source: Google

  • Free- It is an open-source language and hence it is completely free. So, any student can learn the language without much of technicalities and ensure proper knowledge on the subject.
  • Increase performance– It is very important to decide the code properly and if you learn so, then PHP turns out to be the efficient web language for web development. When someone is writing code, then this language is scalable and it helps in application creation. Else, they are also reliable when one wants to create many web pages.
  • PHP community for help– When a student is stuck with any PHP problem, then he or she can take help with the PHP community where you will get tips from the Pro PHP developers and all these information are available online and you can access them at any time.

If a student wants to make a shining career in PHP, then learning PHP from a good institution is really helpful.


Why do we need a Career Plan?

Planning for a dream career must start at an early age. Students who plan their career at an early stage end up with a stable and secured future. The objective of having a career plan is to prepare oneself for the big stage and be prepared for the involved challenges. At the same, it also makes people determined and objective defined.


  1. Areas of Interest- The most preferred way to choose a career is to move ahead in an area where you have an interest. For an instance, some people love to engage on Social Media, so their ideal career option would be a Social Media Analyst.
  1. Involved Course Fee- check the respective course fee of different institutes and make a comparison in terms of syllabus, placement records and reviews. It will help you handpick the best.
  2. Identify the prospect- Make sure that your career choice continues to serve the industry in future. Take into account factors such as demand of respective professionals in the industry, the scope of the selected career, etc.




  1. Communicate your Vision- Let your parents and mentor know about your career choice. Seek their advice and come to a common platform where both of you are convinced about the journey that you are about to begin.
  2. Continue research- Career development become firm with dedicated time for research. Continue to explore new dimensions in your career choice. This will keep you updated on the latest developments.
  3. Industry growth- The industry that you would be operating in will directly have an impact on you. Therefore, you should be well aware of the potential that your industry possesses.



  1. Stay focused- Mistakes are common and you should stay focused to learn from the mistakes and show your commitments towards the subject. Even if you feel that things are getting tougher, motivate yourself to move ahead and overcome the phase.
  2. Performance Monitor- Monitoring your performance at each level is very important from the perspective of acquiring skill and talent. After all, you need to sell your skills at professional level.
  3. Grab the opportunities- As you move deeper into your career choice, there will be opportunities. Some would be easy and other would be tough. Buy, never let any opportunity go.



  1. Professional Growth- After you become a professional, your career would require growth. This is done by meeting like-minded people, exploring new opportunities and selling your potential.
  2. Achieve Goals- Always focus on having goals with timeline. This will help you to chase your dreams within a determined period. There is no use buying a BMW car at the age of 85 years.
  3. Self Confidence- Never let anything ruin your confidence. If you have failed, take it as a lesson. If you have achieved something, take it as a motivation to achieve more.


So, Let the Journey Begin!


Karmick Institute has been in the industry for more than 7 years and within this timeframe we have managed to explore new opportunities for candidates and groom them as per the industry standards. With a record of 92% placements, we can certainly help you to find the right career at the right time.

For more information dial: +91 9836423755 or write to us at:  info@karmickinstitute.com


PHP Training Course in Kolkata: Say Hello to a promising career!


PHP is a dominant field in the web development service. To create a dynamic website, the need of PHP language is must. With the help of PHP, the web development becomes easy in a customized way. It is an open source platform and offers a lot of flexibility. With the help of this language, one can create shopping cards, CMS and web calendars. It has a specialty of memory optimization that is inbuilt and hence there is no server overload. It helps in speeding up the server. PHP training course in Kolkata will help the learners to know how to use PHP for web development.

If you are keen to do a course in PHP, then you must look for an institute where the teachers are the PHP developers too. In PHP, it is easily rooted to HTML as well as to Ajax and Flash. This helps in the popularity of web development with PHP language. It supports various databases like MySQL, Oracle and Infomix. There is a use of less code and help the students to grab the coding very easily. A trained professional always take the initiative to help the students in developing the skill and shape the future of the student as a PHP developer.

Today, various business houses opt for PHP website development services from clients. So, there is a continuous demand of professionals in this field. Why they fetch more projects on PHP web development? It is because the project is time-saving, and easy to maintain and one has to give less effort in creating a gorgeous website. Taken into consideration all the operating systems, PHP is very much compatible. PHP training course in Kolkata will help you learn how to make GUI applications on client-side and even for script of command-line.


Clients love to develop the website on PHP language because it is free, easy to access, stable, fast and ensure complete security. The application that is based on PHP is easy to maintain and handle by the expert professionals. There is no need of outside plug-in to run a programme and a PHP developer can check the running process without much effort. The world is going “Ga-Ga” on PHP web development service and if you want a successful career, then PHP training Kolkata will help you achieve that success in your career. There is no hard and fast rule in maintaining a PHP website and so both clients and developers are happy to work with this open-source language.

Developing a web application in PHP also opens a room for query for the PHP developers. They can ask in different forums that are available online and seek guidance and help from experts all around the world. An expert will never face any problem in communication and it is very easy to understand the web development process. Once you enroll for PHP training course in Kolkata, you will get hand-on experience from the experts. After the completion of course, you will work on Live Project that will enhance your theoretical and practical knowledge.


What makes the world of IT training courses so tempting!


A career in the IT industry is one of the most alluring prospects for graduates nowadays. Most of us want a career that will set a trailblazing affect amongst others. But in our zeal to make it big, we end up opting for IT courses that may not be feasible in the coming years. Do you know where most of us go wrong? We don’t take into account the future of the course and how it can impact our career. And for this, one cannot deny and blame the IT training institutes that have mushroomed up throughout the city. In order to lure candidates they give wrong information and tempt them. The graduates being naïve and with no expertise get tempted by the superlative words used and enroll themselves. The end result is there for everyone to see.

When searching out for the best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Kolkata it is imperative that you keep in mind the following factors:

1.Latest infrastructure

The world of IT is ever-changing and is getting constantly updated. What you need is the latest infrastructure so that from the beginning you are exposed to the right setup where you got to work. The right ambiance plays a vital role.

2.Trained professionals

No one can deny the role your mentor will play in shaping up your career. For Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata, you need the right trainer who has relevant knowledge and in-depth skill so that you get to learn from the best.

3. Certified institute

Only a certified institute can issue a certificate on the completion of the course. And this certificate is a must. After all, this document acts as proof that you have the required skill and expertise. The certificate will boost up your resume manifold.

PHP Training Kolkata

Now that you know how to select the right institute, you need to find out more about the courses that you can go for. PHP development, DM course, Software testing course are some of the courses that are here to stay. The Online world Thrives on WEBSITE – and to get one created, the corporate world needs a relevant one. And to make the website you need PHP designers, to make the website visible and be a part of Google Page Rankings you need expert Digital Marketers and in order to get the apps tested you need Software testers – in short, you will never be short of work if you opt for Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata or for that matter, the other courses that we have already mentioned. It is extremely important to know your target market so that you can take the right step forward.

If you do a Google Search, you will find Karmick Institute as one of the leading Digital Marketing Training Institute in Kolkata that offers other interesting and vital courses too. And the best part is, the courses are extremely affordable with easy payment options. In case you cannot make the entire payment at one go, don’t sweat it out. We have an EMI or Easy Monthly Installment facility whereby you can pay the course fee at regular intervals. What are you waiting for? Take out your smartphone and give us a call today, we are waiting to hear from you!

Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata

An Exciting Career Option with Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata!

College is the best phase of your life. You have completed high school, and have opted for a course that will make your dream a reality. But quite often, after the completion of our graduation we realize that the course is not enough to cut the stiff competition. You need something extra, something more which will help you ace the game and edge past others who have the same qualification as you. Since businesses have gone global these days with the aid of websites, why not opt for a career where you can learn about website development? Lookout for the Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata! These courses offered by PHP Training Centre are crafted with a clear view to give you an in-depth idea and knowledge about PHP Language. But before you jump in and decide to become a part of the bandwagon, know what PHP is all about.

Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata

What is PHP?

In textbook’s language, PHP means Hypertext Preprocessor. Basically, a server-side scripting language, PHP is written in SQL.

What can you do with it?

It is a multi-purpose scripting language. Wish to create a dynamic page content? – PHP is the answer. Want to interact with server files in multiple ways – go for PHP. You can send and receive data including modification of database data – few functions of PHP.

Is it difficult or easy to learn PHP?

In comparison to the other scripting languages that we have, PHP is very easy to learn. However, if it is your step towards programming, you make take time to grasp the language.

What makes it so popular?

Did you know that PHP is used by Facebook and WordPress? Well, many are not aware of it. An incredible scripting language, PHP can run in almost all the platforms. It is compatible with almost all the servers we have today and can easily support huge database. Moreover it is an Opensource application and is free.

PHO Development Course Kolkata

Who uses PHP?

PHP is used mainly by back end developers because it is relatively easy to use and offers easy documentation with proper community support.

I am interested! Where should I enroll?

Look out for the best PHP Training Centre in Kolkata– Karmick Institute. The center has a state of the art infrastructure with trained professionals and flexible class timings to offer you the best possible classes.

What is the course fee for Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata?

The fee generally varies from institute to institute. However, we at Karmick Institute charge a nominal amount for the Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata with easy installment facility. The objective is to train the youth for the corporate world, rather than running the institute as a business.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and get enrolled today. You can also use your Smartphone to search “Karmick Institute” and get access to the list of communication options. If possible visit the institute to check out the infrastructure and how the classes are conducted. Once you are satisfied, get enrolled on the spot.

With the Information Technology encroaching almost all the aspects of our lives, don’t you wish to be a part of this happening industry? – And what better way than a career in PHP?