Tag Archives: Digital Marketing Course

Why Choose a Career in Digital Marketing?

Why Choose a Career in Digital Marketing?

Why Choose a Career in Digital Marketing?

Choosing a career path may be daunting but if we look at some trends then one thing is certain; digital presence matters a lot in 2021. The Covid-19 pandemic has acted as a boom for strong social media presence and digitization of many traditional businesses. With this in mind, digital marketing has taken the world by storm and is considered way more superior than traditional forms of marketing.

So, what exactly is digital marketing?

Digital marketing, also known as online marketing, refers to building brand awareness and offering products/service for sale via the internet and other forms of digital communication. It is including but not limited to social media marketing, paid online advertising and email.

Now, let us take a look at the bright prospects that lie ahead if you wish to choose a career in digital marketing.


Since digital marketing encompasses many more roles and responsibilities over traditional marketing, there are plenty of varied job opportunities available. You can specialize in your area of interest by choosing from diverse options such as-

  • SEO- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an organic form of improving website rankings and improving their visibility on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
  • SMO- Social Media Optimization (SMO) consists of ways to improve the online presence of a brand on social media apps such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
  • PPC- Pay-per-click (PPC) includes paid forms of online advertisement which help in improving a web page’s digital visibility.
  • Content Marketing- Content is king in today’s world of marketing and this form of marketing includes creating and curating content for social media, blogs, articles and so on.

Besides these career paths there’s email marketing, affiliate marketing, ecommerce executive and a bunch of others.

An Evolving Industry

Digital marketing is a growing industry and it is ever evolving. There is always something new and exciting to learn. The coronavirus pandemic for instance has completely revolutionized the world of digital marketing with offline brick and mortar businesses wanting to take up online initiatives. This is perhaps one of the best times to start a career in the field of digital marketing.

High Salary Packages

The demand for skilled digital marketing professionals has soared sky high amid the pandemic where new businesses want to enter the digital world and existing ones want to up their game. Before the industry reaches the point of saturation, you should get into it and seek first mover advantage. The more experience and training you possess, the higher your salary package will go.

Dynamic & Creative

Digital marketing is a dynamic field owing to its evolving nature and has considerable scope for creativity as well. All the innovative advertising campaigns run by popular brands fall under the purview of the digital marketing team. Their creativity is what boosts user engagement on their content, resulting in a prominent digital presence. The marketing team has considerable flexibility and liberty in their operations.

Endless Learning

In such a diverse field as digital marketing, you get to learn new things every day. You must keep yourself up to date with the latest technology and practices of the field in order to master it. The opportunities and learnings are always very unique. If you ever wish to change your domain within digital marketing you can easily do so by upskilling yourself since the career offers such flexibilities.

Post pandemic, digital marketing is at the bleeding edge of the online boom and will continue to be so for a long time. This is the perfect time for young people to enroll themselves in a digital marketing course and pursue a full time career in this field. The job is fun, rewarding and will never be out of demand.

7 Reasons to Choose Digital Marketing as Your Career

7 Reasons to Choose Digital Marketing as Your Career

7 Reasons to Choose Digital Marketing as Your Career

Choosing a career is always an overwhelming task. A small mistake in selection can lead to big troubles. You eventually select a career that gives you long-term stability and good pay. Sometimes, the other factors that play a crucial role in career selection are promotional chances and passion. So, if you have already selected digital marketing as your career and thinking of ways to justify your decision, here are the top 7 reasons to remember.

Huge Demand

Today, digital marketing professionals are in high demand. Everything is now digital, especially in the wake of a pandemic when conventional marketing tactics are not enough to target potential or existing customers. Also, marketing is part and parcel of almost every industry, regardless of its size and type. Various new trends like Artificial Intelligence, Voice Search Engine Optimization (VSEO), social media marketing, Data-driven marketing, and more are becoming mainstream to help businesses stay relevant in a competitive world. So, the career prospects in digital marketing are continually broadening.

Dynamic and Creative

The world of digital marketing is both dynamic and creative. Once you start working as a professional, you will understand that you have to learn continuously and devise new ways to implement your digital marketing strategies to beat the competition. Companies love to have marketing professionals who think out of the box to engage their audience.

Attractive Salary

Salary is always a crucial factor while choosing a career, and digital marketing does not disappoint. In India, while an entry-level digital marketing professional can fetch an annual package of 3 lakhs, a person at a senior level can easily command a package of up to 15 lakhs.

Evolving industry

If you love to learn new skills, digital marketing is undoubtedly the best career choice. The industry is evolving at a fast pace. Hence even after learning digital marketing skills, you will get ample opportunities to learn new skills.

Dynamic work environment

You are likely to meet new people from diverse backgrounds while working as a digital marketing professional. Remember, it is a dynamic sector. So, there would be no boredom as in the case of other jobs. Moreover, you can also work as a freelancer as per your preference!

Any professional background

Unlike other fields such as medical or engineering, where you must pick subjects from the start, you can always give a shot at digital marketing as a career after completing a digital marketing course.

Training at own pace

Digital marketing is the best career choice as it allows you to train yourself at your own pace. You can start from scratch by working on your social media or taking online courses at flexible hours.

One of the foremost things to remember is always to choose the best digital marketing training institute. In Kolkata, there are plenty of training institutes with the best infrastructure facilities where you can enroll yourself in learning digital marketing skills.

Digital Marketing Will Be A Leading Career in 2020 - Know the Top Reasons

Digital Marketing Will Be A Leading Career in 2020 – Know the Top Reasons

Whether it is a homeowner looking for a full-time maid or a professional looking for an online course on big data, the dependency on the web to find anything has become phenomenal. According to Statista, it is estimated that there will be more than 650 million internet users in India by 2023. Even 32% of businesses in India now have a digital presence, and the number is expected to grow exponentially.

In such a scenario, there is a golden opportunity for people who have the knowledge and skillset to develop, implement, and manage effective marketing campaigns within the digital space. So, if you are someone looking for a lucrative job in 2020, pursuing a digital marketing course can help you! Let’s know the top reasons for which digital marketing will be a leading career in 2020.

A shift from traditional marketing

Today, one can search and buy almost everything over the web. Gone are the days when businesses use to prefer door-to-door marketing. Buyers want everything on their fingertips. The penetration of mobile devices had added fuel to this changing trend in marketing. This tectonic shift from traditional marketing is providing ample scope for digital marketing professionals.

Digital India initiative by Government

The digital India initiative that was launched by the Government of India on July 1, 2015, has given rise to new business opportunities in a more connected India. This, in turn, has helped plenty of small businesses to have a digital presence. They are now eager to promote their products or services in the digital space for which they, of course, need skilled digital marketers.

Better engagement with customers

The increased penetration of mobile devices and the growing number of internet users have generated new ways of engagement with customers or clients. Today, it is a proven fact proved that there is better engagement by implementing digital marketing tactics such as blog posting, social media posts, and more. There is a drastic increase in content consumption fuelled by affordable data plans and cheaper smartphones.

Moreover, after completing a digital marketing course, you can easily find a job as a digital marketing strategist or a social media manager. You can also work as a freelance digital marketing professional or can become a full-time You Tuber to earn money. So, just go ahead and enroll yourself in a digital marketing course from a reputed training institute that offers quality training and be ready to have a flourishing career ahead!

Short-term Professional Courses

5 Biggest Benefits of Short-term Professional Courses

Short-term Professional Courses

In a world which is evolving at a rapid pace, new territories of knowledge are being discovered every day, one cannot afford to stop learning. What was ‘a lot of information’ for yesterday might be ‘too little’ for tomorrow. No one wants to lag behind in terms of knowledge and expertise. It is the reason why Short-term Professional Courses are gaining popularity.

These courses give you the opportunity to upgrade your skills in only a small span of time.

So let us start with the 5 biggest Benefits of Short-term Professional Courses:

1. Reap Long-term Benefits

These courses focus on backing up your knowledge with the relevant skills. They fill out the knowledge gaps you have and help you stay ahead of the curve. Not only does it help you get a rewarding job but a rewarding & fulfilling career.

2. Enhance your Career

Sharpening your skills with short-term courses help you get a competitive edge in the workplace. It showcases your willingness to compete, develop and learn. It is something that every employer looks for in its employees. It’s needless to say that it makes you an indispensable resource for any organization.

3. Grow in your Interest Zone

There can be something which you are really interested in but never got a chance to do anything with it. Short-term courses help you explore and be really good at things which interests you. These courses are loaded with practical trainings and projects which help you learn by doing and not just reading. For example, there are many people who chose Web Designing course out of interest and now they have made successful careers out of it.

4. Balance your Lifestyle

Short-term courses are ideal choices for those who would like to study whilst maintaining their career and income. The flexibility allows them to learn without disrupting their work-life balance. These courses are customized as per your requirements, whether you are a student or a working professional.

5. Easy on your Pocket

The Short-term professional courses are relatively cheaper than the full-time courses. This makes it an excellent option for people who cannot invest huge amounts of money but want high quality training and education.

With the advent and growth of the Digital industry, it has become imperative to keep yourself updated with the latest streams of knowledge. People skilled in the field of App Development, Web Designing, Digital Marketing, etc. are in high demand and the demand is only going up.

We have a wide range Short-term Job Oriented Courses which are designed to boost your skills and make you a hot shot in the job field.

So get prepared for your future!

8 Signs That Show You Are A Digital Marketer At Heart

8 Signs That Show You Are A Digital Marketer At Heart

8 Signs That Show You Are A Digital Marketer At Heart

Fat pay cheques always look impressive. However, it is a bitter truth that after spending many years in a regular job, your heart starts craving for a career that can be a fulfilling one. Since the digital marketing industry is witnessing a tremendous growth, people are now eager to pursue a digital marketing course. So, let’s have a look at the eight signs that can help you to find out, whether you are a digital marketer at heart or not.

  1. You love to absorb content

If you have a flair to absorb content from various media, there is no doubt that you can experience success as a digital marketer. This will help to have the right words to connect with your audience.

  1. You are an eloquent speaker

As a digital marketer, one is expected to speak frequently with clients or with supervisors in a boardroom while explaining the strategies. So, if you have this quality, give a broad smile, but remember acquiring good listening skills is also significant to taste success in any career.

  1. A never-say-die attitude

You can have a fair share of struggles in the beginning. Your content or strategies may not yield the desired results, and people can criticize you. So, it is vital to have a never-say-die attitude to go past all the hurdles and emerge as a winner at the end of the day.

  1. Is extremely curious

Are you the one who always ask questions like why this is happening or what does it mean? If yes, digital marketing is for you, as not only you need to be on your toes, to know what strategies others are following to grab the attention, but you also need to find out the latest trends and why they are becoming successful.

  1. Always on a learning spree

Digital marketing is a continuously evolving field. To survive, it is essential that one exhibits a deep love for acquiring new skills. This trait ultimately helps to climb the ladder of success more quickly than others. 

  1. You are creative

Having creativity is a hallmark of a good digital marketer as he or she has to create creative content that looks engaging, promising and delivers measurable results to stay ahead in the fiercely competitive world. 

  1. Can work independently

It is true that being a team player is important in any profession, but if you can work independently under minimal supervision, it is time to say cheers because this means that you are self-motivated, an essential trait to excel as a digital marketer.

  1. Passionate regarding technology

Are you passionate about technology or new technological trends? If yes, you can have a great career in digital marketing as, without such a passion, you will start feeling bored while learning the ways of making the most of such technologies to devise new digital marketing strategies.

So, what are you thinking? Stop the guesswork as if you exhibit all these traits, it is time to join a digital marketing training course without any further delay.

On-Page SEO Training in Kolkata Karmick Institute

On-page SEO Training Course in Kolkata

On-Page SEO Training in Kolkata Karmick Institute

SEO, i.e. Search Engine Optimization is a process through which you can watch your website ranking. As you click “SEO training center”, the Google will give you list of names of training centers. This is where the SEO plays an important to bring the website ranking at the top. It is done through:

  • On-page method
  • Off-page method

An SEO expert knows very well how to use this technique and get ranking for the company or the business client. On page SEO technique needs to be done first because it will bring some organic result for your business. It is impossible to get high rank in Google without the help of an expert. Hence, the career in SEO is rising and it will give you positive result and you can get more visibility in your business. Without proper training in SEO, you can become the master of the field.

On-Page Training starts at Karmick Institute

Enrol yourself in on-page seo training course in Kolkata and learn from industry expert. It will give you positive way to think for your future. The course will help you get into the details of the subject and you can also learn through practical experience. That means, after completion of the course you can work on a Live Project and clear your confusion.

Business owners whether small or big understand the importance of online business in today’s market. Accordingly, you can find great solutions to take up this course to shape your future and this will actually help you in a positive way to achieve success in business because they need fresh and active SEO expert who can adapt the change and bring a great result for the business ranking. Hence, if you want to drive your career as a SEO expert, then it is the right time to take up the course and become a skilled SEO expert.

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Top 3 predictions for Digital Marketing Industry

Digital-Marketing-Training-Kolkata-Karmick-Institute 12082016

The concept of Digital Marketing is constantly changing in 2016. The industry has become more challenging and dynamic. In this context, the contribution of digital marketing training in Kolkata has also increased. So, here are the predictions that are coming true in the field of digital marketing in 2016-

1. Interactive content will be mandatory

It is not about writing long articles, it is all about writing interactive content. A content needs to be framed in such a way that people get more engage to the information and turn to leads and then to sale. It is a tough competition nowadays that one should follow and get all the positive result in the field of digital marketing.

2. Social Media will be indispensable

Today, most people are active on social media. Digital marketing through social media will help you reach to maximum people. The return is 100% if the marketing techniques with good content hit the right audience. It will give you the prospect in your business and you can reach to your target audience without any hassle.

3. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing helps the business to reach heights. How? You can partner with your friend or your known people and display your products and service as per your need. It will give you more impact and helps in the concept of digital marketing.

So, the demand of digital marketer is increasing day by day. If you want to excel in this career, then you can take up a digital marketing course in Kolkata and understand the core of the field. The educational knowledge and certificate will help you excel in your career and boost up your interest in becoming a digital marketer and help the business to rise high. It will definitely give you a better prospect and you can “go with the flow” of digital marketing trend.