Tag Archives: career in mobile app development

Android vs iOS: Which One You Should Learn for Your Future Career?

Android vs iOS: Which One You Should Learn for Your Future Career?

Android vs iOS: Which One You Should Learn for Your Future Career?

In the software industry, mobile development is at present one of the fastest-growing domains. It is full of opportunities, and one can also earn money as a freelance app developer. There are millions of people in India who work as mobile app developers and earn decent money. So, are you also an aspiring mobile app developer? Are you confused about which one you should learn for your future career? If yes, here are the few factors that you must keep in mind to make an informed decision.

Market share

Android, iOS, and Windows are the operating systems that rule the market. As per Statista, Android enjoys a share of over 95% followed by Apple’s iOS, which has just a 3.2 % market share in India. So, no doubt enrolling yourself in an android app development course makes more sense if you are targeting only the Indian audience. Here, you have to keep in mind that if you want to target people in the United States, it is best to learn iOS app development as in the U.S as iPhones are much more common than Android devices.

Time to learn

If you are a newbie with no prior experience in mobile app development, it will take some time to get familiar with new technologies. However, both have a different set of complexities, and hence, the learning time may differ. For iOS app development, you need to learn swift as it is the most popular programming language after Objective C for developing ios apps. Now, the learning curve for Swift is not steep, which means you can learn it quickly. If Android app development is considered, several programming languages are used in the industry, such as Java, C#, Python, Kotlin, and C++. So, you can learn any of these languages as per your learning capability.

Hardware requirements

For developing ios apps, you must have a Mac computer that runs the latest version of Xcode. Now, Xcode is Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE). It is a pre-requisite for developing any software for ios devices. On the other hand, you need to have a computer running on any operating system for developing android apps. So, mobile app development for android devices is the best course of action.

Development tools

The availability of development tools has a profound impact on mobile app development. While the Android platform offers Android Studio, its official IDE for mobile app development, the ios offers the Xcode IDE as told before. Although Android Studio has attractive features that help in app development, it is not considered as good as the Xcode. So, if you consider the availability of development tools, ios app development seems a better option.


If you are getting into the app development business to make monetize them and earn decent revenue, you have to be quite careful about choosing the right platform. It has been found that ios users are more likely to make a payment for an app in comparison to Android app users. So, if you can sacrifice the revenue, go for android app development or else choose the one that guarantees more money.


The platform that has more clear document is usually the one in which app development become easier for beginners. While many ardent admirers of the Android platform may disagree but the ios community and documentation are more helpful. As a developer, you may quickly found ways to solve a problem if you come across any during developing your app.


Publishing an android app on Google Play is fairly an easy affair. You have to just pay a one-time fee of $20, and then Google will scoop up a whopping 35% of the revenue (if any). You will have the right to distribute it wherever you want, but things are not that simple if you are want to publish your ios app development. First, you have to publish it only through the Apple App Store. Next, you have to pay a fee of $99 a year, and here like Google, Apple will scoop up 30% of the revenue ( if any). If these are not enough, you will be not eligible to distribute it freely as per your wish as Apple has a more restrictive policy regarding app distribution.

So, think about all the factors and make a decision. You may find ios app development more enjoyable in the beginning. However, your android smartphone in your pocket may encourage you to first go for an android app development course that you can test easily. However, there is no point in comparing the two as your preference matters the most. If you already have a Mac, you must go for an ios app development course without having any second thoughts. There is no shortage of mobile app development training institutes in Kolkata that are offering online classes in the wake of COVID-19.

How Learning Mobile App Development Could Enhance Your Career

How Learning Mobile App Development Could Enhance Your Career

I’m sure you have heard of popular mobile apps such as WhatsApp, Swiggy and Uber. But have you ever wondered how developers make these apps? Well, it’s no secret that mobile apps have gained immense popularity these days owing to the smartphone penetration in our country. Gone are the days when people solely used their phones for calling and texting. Keeping up with this era of digitization, companies are always on the lookout for good mobile app developers. So, embrace this opportunity and learn mobile app development to enhance your career.

Choosing a Platform

The two dominating platforms for mobile apps are Android and iOS. It is advisable to initially study one in depth and explore the other platforms later. For example, if you choose iOS, then you must learn Objective-C or Swift. Similarly, if you want to specialize in Android, you will need good knowledge of Java or Kotlin.

Promising Career Opportunities

The wide reach mobile apps have these days is too good to ignore. From top businessmen to SMBs, everyone wants to hire a mobile app developer who can design a custom, user-friendly app to meet their business needs. It is a market with tremendous potential where many new opportunities will come your way.

High Salary

Top organizations such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn often hire mobile app developers. Welcoming the digital presence with open arms, they pay their developers well and encourage them to come up with innovative ideas. On the other hand, you can also develop an app by yourself and sell it to a company or on platforms such as Play Store.

Learning Experience

A career in mobile app development is a fruitful learning experience as this field is not only relatively new but also ever evolving. With every iOS or Android update, the rules of this game keep fluctuating. You have to be aware and well versed with the latest software updates.


Whether you are a student or a professional, one of the best benefits of a career in mobile app development is that the work can be done remotely. All you need is a laptop/computer and a stable internet connection. Hence, you can even take up projects from foreign countries.

If you have a knack for programming, then securing your career by choosing mobile app developmentis a great option. It is a challenging field with endless opportunities and good pay scale. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll in our mobile app development course to uplift your career and get a head start into the job market!