Tag Archives: Digital Marketing Training

7 Reasons to Choose Digital Marketing as Your Career

7 Reasons to Choose Digital Marketing as Your Career

7 Reasons to Choose Digital Marketing as Your Career

Choosing a career is always an overwhelming task. A small mistake in selection can lead to big troubles. You eventually select a career that gives you long-term stability and good pay. Sometimes, the other factors that play a crucial role in career selection are promotional chances and passion. So, if you have already selected digital marketing as your career and thinking of ways to justify your decision, here are the top 7 reasons to remember.

Huge Demand

Today, digital marketing professionals are in high demand. Everything is now digital, especially in the wake of a pandemic when conventional marketing tactics are not enough to target potential or existing customers. Also, marketing is part and parcel of almost every industry, regardless of its size and type. Various new trends like Artificial Intelligence, Voice Search Engine Optimization (VSEO), social media marketing, Data-driven marketing, and more are becoming mainstream to help businesses stay relevant in a competitive world. So, the career prospects in digital marketing are continually broadening.

Dynamic and Creative

The world of digital marketing is both dynamic and creative. Once you start working as a professional, you will understand that you have to learn continuously and devise new ways to implement your digital marketing strategies to beat the competition. Companies love to have marketing professionals who think out of the box to engage their audience.

Attractive Salary

Salary is always a crucial factor while choosing a career, and digital marketing does not disappoint. In India, while an entry-level digital marketing professional can fetch an annual package of 3 lakhs, a person at a senior level can easily command a package of up to 15 lakhs.

Evolving industry

If you love to learn new skills, digital marketing is undoubtedly the best career choice. The industry is evolving at a fast pace. Hence even after learning digital marketing skills, you will get ample opportunities to learn new skills.

Dynamic work environment

You are likely to meet new people from diverse backgrounds while working as a digital marketing professional. Remember, it is a dynamic sector. So, there would be no boredom as in the case of other jobs. Moreover, you can also work as a freelancer as per your preference!

Any professional background

Unlike other fields such as medical or engineering, where you must pick subjects from the start, you can always give a shot at digital marketing as a career after completing a digital marketing course.

Training at own pace

Digital marketing is the best career choice as it allows you to train yourself at your own pace. You can start from scratch by working on your social media or taking online courses at flexible hours.

One of the foremost things to remember is always to choose the best digital marketing training institute. In Kolkata, there are plenty of training institutes with the best infrastructure facilities where you can enroll yourself in learning digital marketing skills.

8 Signs That Show You Are A Digital Marketer At Heart

8 Signs That Show You Are A Digital Marketer At Heart

8 Signs That Show You Are A Digital Marketer At Heart

Fat pay cheques always look impressive. However, it is a bitter truth that after spending many years in a regular job, your heart starts craving for a career that can be a fulfilling one. Since the digital marketing industry is witnessing a tremendous growth, people are now eager to pursue a digital marketing course. So, let’s have a look at the eight signs that can help you to find out, whether you are a digital marketer at heart or not.

  1. You love to absorb content

If you have a flair to absorb content from various media, there is no doubt that you can experience success as a digital marketer. This will help to have the right words to connect with your audience.

  1. You are an eloquent speaker

As a digital marketer, one is expected to speak frequently with clients or with supervisors in a boardroom while explaining the strategies. So, if you have this quality, give a broad smile, but remember acquiring good listening skills is also significant to taste success in any career.

  1. A never-say-die attitude

You can have a fair share of struggles in the beginning. Your content or strategies may not yield the desired results, and people can criticize you. So, it is vital to have a never-say-die attitude to go past all the hurdles and emerge as a winner at the end of the day.

  1. Is extremely curious

Are you the one who always ask questions like why this is happening or what does it mean? If yes, digital marketing is for you, as not only you need to be on your toes, to know what strategies others are following to grab the attention, but you also need to find out the latest trends and why they are becoming successful.

  1. Always on a learning spree

Digital marketing is a continuously evolving field. To survive, it is essential that one exhibits a deep love for acquiring new skills. This trait ultimately helps to climb the ladder of success more quickly than others. 

  1. You are creative

Having creativity is a hallmark of a good digital marketer as he or she has to create creative content that looks engaging, promising and delivers measurable results to stay ahead in the fiercely competitive world. 

  1. Can work independently

It is true that being a team player is important in any profession, but if you can work independently under minimal supervision, it is time to say cheers because this means that you are self-motivated, an essential trait to excel as a digital marketer.

  1. Passionate regarding technology

Are you passionate about technology or new technological trends? If yes, you can have a great career in digital marketing as, without such a passion, you will start feeling bored while learning the ways of making the most of such technologies to devise new digital marketing strategies.

So, what are you thinking? Stop the guesswork as if you exhibit all these traits, it is time to join a digital marketing training course without any further delay.


Digital Marketing Training makes you a game changer


The internet scenario is changing constantly. Last year’s marketing powerhouse is an old news this year. Time has changed, and now, digital marketing is a cornerstone of every advertising venture. The digital marketing pendulum swings so quickly that it has become a revolution in the marketing world.

How Digital Marketing has become a need for every business

Digital Revolution brings a big shift in the power balance, like for example discontinuation in the thought process of traditional buying path. Being digitally improved means that the consumers must have their own voice and they also want people to hear them aloud. They have the power to influence not only the situation where they can buy the goods, but also control others who buy goods around them.

Digital marketing today has become an essential need for every business because of the following reasons:

  1. 1. It helps the company or the brand to stay one step ahead digitally. An integrated strategy for digital marketing will make sure that all the digital efforts are smooth. Since the world of internet has covered up all aspects of lives, it is important to catch up with competitors and stay ahead.
  2. 2. Every business is unique in its own way. Whether the business is small, medium or large, the digital platform always provides a powerful chance to each company or brand to gain recognition.

Data on the requirement of Digital Marketing Professionals by 2020.

463 million people are using the internet in India and by 2020 it will increase to 300 million to the population accessing the world of internet. Therefore, the demand for digital marketing professionals is also increasing simultaneously according to the below-mentioned data, which shows that digital marketing jobs currently in demand on various portals.


For Digital Marketers, it is a big challenge in the year 2017 because there is a boom in the market, and every digital marketing expert is gearing up to stay in the competition to meet effective business goals. So, here are two updated marketing techniques that can lead to a fruitful result by 2020 for businesses and digital marketers.

  1. Content Marketing Trend

The graph clearly shows that with time, there is app intervention that leads to the content sophistication.


  1. Live Video Streaming Trend

“Going Live” is the new marketing trend for every business in today’s world. Instagram and Facebook have integrated this “live video” feature and gained mass appeal from people, different brands, and businesses. Currently, it is a trend, which draws the largest attention of millions of people who eagerly want to see something that is happening in real-time.

Today, customers and fans love the idea of watching someone’s perspective on particular goods and services. Now, live videos cater to meet the exact desire. Digital marketers use the “Live Video” feature to create loyalty and awareness to the potential customers for the particular brand or business.

Scope of Digital Marketing Training

With the rise of digital technologies, the marketing model has transformed completely. To succeed, digital marketers must have the potential to make a plan, measure the digital strategies and integrate particularly to meet business goals. Hence, the scope of digital marketing training is increasing day by day. The course program focuses on how the digital marketers can reach digitally savvy customers, connect and develop customer relationships and influence the customers to choose the digital way to buy.

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Top 3 predictions for Digital Marketing Industry

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The concept of Digital Marketing is constantly changing in 2016. The industry has become more challenging and dynamic. In this context, the contribution of digital marketing training in Kolkata has also increased. So, here are the predictions that are coming true in the field of digital marketing in 2016-

1. Interactive content will be mandatory

It is not about writing long articles, it is all about writing interactive content. A content needs to be framed in such a way that people get more engage to the information and turn to leads and then to sale. It is a tough competition nowadays that one should follow and get all the positive result in the field of digital marketing.

2. Social Media will be indispensable

Today, most people are active on social media. Digital marketing through social media will help you reach to maximum people. The return is 100% if the marketing techniques with good content hit the right audience. It will give you the prospect in your business and you can reach to your target audience without any hassle.

3. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing helps the business to reach heights. How? You can partner with your friend or your known people and display your products and service as per your need. It will give you more impact and helps in the concept of digital marketing.

So, the demand of digital marketer is increasing day by day. If you want to excel in this career, then you can take up a digital marketing course in Kolkata and understand the core of the field. The educational knowledge and certificate will help you excel in your career and boost up your interest in becoming a digital marketer and help the business to rise high. It will definitely give you a better prospect and you can “go with the flow” of digital marketing trend.


What makes the world of IT training courses so tempting!


A career in the IT industry is one of the most alluring prospects for graduates nowadays. Most of us want a career that will set a trailblazing affect amongst others. But in our zeal to make it big, we end up opting for IT courses that may not be feasible in the coming years. Do you know where most of us go wrong? We don’t take into account the future of the course and how it can impact our career. And for this, one cannot deny and blame the IT training institutes that have mushroomed up throughout the city. In order to lure candidates they give wrong information and tempt them. The graduates being naïve and with no expertise get tempted by the superlative words used and enroll themselves. The end result is there for everyone to see.

When searching out for the best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Kolkata it is imperative that you keep in mind the following factors:

1.Latest infrastructure

The world of IT is ever-changing and is getting constantly updated. What you need is the latest infrastructure so that from the beginning you are exposed to the right setup where you got to work. The right ambiance plays a vital role.

2.Trained professionals

No one can deny the role your mentor will play in shaping up your career. For Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata, you need the right trainer who has relevant knowledge and in-depth skill so that you get to learn from the best.

3. Certified institute

Only a certified institute can issue a certificate on the completion of the course. And this certificate is a must. After all, this document acts as proof that you have the required skill and expertise. The certificate will boost up your resume manifold.

PHP Training Kolkata

Now that you know how to select the right institute, you need to find out more about the courses that you can go for. PHP development, DM course, Software testing course are some of the courses that are here to stay. The Online world Thrives on WEBSITE – and to get one created, the corporate world needs a relevant one. And to make the website you need PHP designers, to make the website visible and be a part of Google Page Rankings you need expert Digital Marketers and in order to get the apps tested you need Software testers – in short, you will never be short of work if you opt for Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata or for that matter, the other courses that we have already mentioned. It is extremely important to know your target market so that you can take the right step forward.

If you do a Google Search, you will find Karmick Institute as one of the leading Digital Marketing Training Institute in Kolkata that offers other interesting and vital courses too. And the best part is, the courses are extremely affordable with easy payment options. In case you cannot make the entire payment at one go, don’t sweat it out. We have an EMI or Easy Monthly Installment facility whereby you can pay the course fee at regular intervals. What are you waiting for? Take out your smartphone and give us a call today, we are waiting to hear from you!