Tag Archives: Career


The impacts of choosing a WRONG Career: How to overcome it!


In today’s time, everyone needs to understand the consequences of choosing a wrong career. A career that one chooses without the proper list of pros and cons will affect one’s routine and even one’s life. Therefore, it is important to choose a right career to prosper and to fulfill all the dreams of your life. When a student graduates, then it is a possibility that the candidate might find it difficult to make a wise career choice, and he or she becomes clueless regarding what to pursue for future. Most of them handle this scenario by leaving the decision to their family and peers.

Impacts of choosing a wrong career in the long run

Work Satisfaction- The first penalty is that you will not enjoy what you do. Your daily work could become a burden for you. It will neither give you satisfaction nor the happiness of doing the job. If you are not happy with job responsibilities, then you will not be successful in career.

Poor performance- Your performance at work will be at stake. At the end of the day, performance speaks everything about you at workplace. But, choosing a wrong career hits your performance level, and this is a big sign for you to understand that you are in a wrong line of career.

Stress and anxiety- When you are stuck nowhere, you inch towards stress and anxiety and this hampers your health. This affects your mood and worse your relationship with family members.

How to overcome it?

Now that you know the penalties of choosing a wrong career, it is the right time for you to think and STOP! Are you someone who is going through the same phase? Then, detect these penalties at an early stage of your not so good work-life. So, always follow your heart and pursue your job life that interests you the most and enjoy a successful career ahead.

Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata

An Exciting Career Option with Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata!

College is the best phase of your life. You have completed high school, and have opted for a course that will make your dream a reality. But quite often, after the completion of our graduation we realize that the course is not enough to cut the stiff competition. You need something extra, something more which will help you ace the game and edge past others who have the same qualification as you. Since businesses have gone global these days with the aid of websites, why not opt for a career where you can learn about website development? Lookout for the Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata! These courses offered by PHP Training Centre are crafted with a clear view to give you an in-depth idea and knowledge about PHP Language. But before you jump in and decide to become a part of the bandwagon, know what PHP is all about.

Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata

What is PHP?

In textbook’s language, PHP means Hypertext Preprocessor. Basically, a server-side scripting language, PHP is written in SQL.

What can you do with it?

It is a multi-purpose scripting language. Wish to create a dynamic page content? – PHP is the answer. Want to interact with server files in multiple ways – go for PHP. You can send and receive data including modification of database data – few functions of PHP.

Is it difficult or easy to learn PHP?

In comparison to the other scripting languages that we have, PHP is very easy to learn. However, if it is your step towards programming, you make take time to grasp the language.

What makes it so popular?

Did you know that PHP is used by Facebook and WordPress? Well, many are not aware of it. An incredible scripting language, PHP can run in almost all the platforms. It is compatible with almost all the servers we have today and can easily support huge database. Moreover it is an Opensource application and is free.

PHO Development Course Kolkata

Who uses PHP?

PHP is used mainly by back end developers because it is relatively easy to use and offers easy documentation with proper community support.

I am interested! Where should I enroll?

Look out for the best PHP Training Centre in Kolkata– Karmick Institute. The center has a state of the art infrastructure with trained professionals and flexible class timings to offer you the best possible classes.

What is the course fee for Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata?

The fee generally varies from institute to institute. However, we at Karmick Institute charge a nominal amount for the Advanced PHP Courses in Kolkata with easy installment facility. The objective is to train the youth for the corporate world, rather than running the institute as a business.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and get enrolled today. You can also use your Smartphone to search “Karmick Institute” and get access to the list of communication options. If possible visit the institute to check out the infrastructure and how the classes are conducted. Once you are satisfied, get enrolled on the spot.

With the Information Technology encroaching almost all the aspects of our lives, don’t you wish to be a part of this happening industry? – And what better way than a career in PHP?